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2024/10/27, Sekaiju8.2 has been released.
- A bug that when saving as SMF(*,mid), Time+'s applying doesn't work correctly is fixed.
2024/04/14, AutoDrum8.1 has been released.
- IniDataLibrary has been introduced, and executing and executing get faster and safer.
2024/03/31, MIDITester8.1 has been released.
- IniDataLibrary has been introduced, and executing and executing get faster and safer.
2024/03/24, Sekaiju8.1 has been released.
- A bug that when invalid CC#0 and CC#32 were detected Sekaiju crashes is fixed.
- IniDataLibrary has been introduced, and executing and executing get faster and safer.
2024/03/24, IniDataLibrary8.1 has been released.
2024/01/21, Sekaiju8.0 has been released.
- The development environment is migrated to Visual Studio 2022 Community.
2024/01/21, MIDITester8.0 has been released.
- The development environment is migrated to Visual Studio 2022 Community.
2024/01/21, AutoDrum8.0 has been released.
- The development environment is migrated to Visual Studio 2022 Community.
2024/01/21, MIDIIOLibrary8.0 has been released.
- The development environment is migrated to Visual Studio 2022 Community.
2024/01/21, MIDIDataLibrary8.0 has been released.
- The development environment is migrated to Visual Studio 2022 Community.
2024/01/21, MIDIClockLibrary8.0 has been released.
- The development environment is migrated to Visual Studio 2022 Community.
2024/01/21, MIDIStatusLibrary8.0 has been released.
- The development environment is migrated to Visual Studio 2022 Community.
2024/01/21, MIDIInstrumentLibrary8.0 has been released.
- The development environment is migrated to Visual Studio 2022 Community.
2023/08/15, As OSDN had been sold, the forums has been moved to
2023/07/23, As OSDN had been sold, the download server has been moved to
2023/07/02, As OSDN had been sold, the web site has been moved to
2023/07/12, Sekaiju7.9 has been released.
- A bug that in the dialog, confirming by the Enter key doesn't work is fixed.
- A bug that in the track list window, moving up a track or moving down a track makes the histroy corrupted is fixed.
- A bug that in the track list window, printing the view which contains text-related event causes freeze is fixed.
2023/02/12, Sekaiju7.8 has been released.
- Added step input mode.
- Become selectable whether delete old autosave file automatically if autosaved or not in the autosave dialog.
2023/01/09, Sekaiju7.7 has been released.
- A bug that SMPTE25's MIDI data is shown as "SMPTE24" in the status bar is fixed.
- A bug thet in the event list window, when showing multiple track, movint up the first event causes crash is fixed.
- A bug that in the event list window, if sequencer specific or sysex event, inputting ':' in the time column is disabled is fixed.
- A bug that in the event list window, if sequencer specific or sysex event, while editing the value, using Ctrl+Z/X/C/V/A is disabled is fixed.
- A bug that in the trcak list window, if the track's output channel is "n/a", when modifying CC# or program change, not modifyied the first event, but inserted a new event is fixed.
- A bug that in the track list window, if the track's output channel is "n/a", when inserting CC# or program change, the event's channel is corruputed is fixed.
2022/11/06, Sekaiju7.6 has been released.
- Support loading and saving *.midi extension file.
- A bug that in the event list window, arbitrary system exclusive data can't be inputed normally is fixed.
- A bug that when loading or saving Standard MIDI File, if using big delta time, Sekaiju crash is fixed.
- A bug that even if uncheck MIDIThru, system exclusive message is throughed is fixed.
- MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 7.2.
2022/11/06, MIDIDataLibrary7.2 has been released.
- MIDIData_LoadFromSMF is fixed so as to load safely at max time 0x7FFFFFFF.
- MIDIData_SaveAsSMF is fixed so as to save safely at max time 0x7FFFFFFF.
- MIDIData_TimeToMillisec is fixed so as to convert safely at max time and millisec 0x7FFFFFFF.
- MIDIData_MillisecToTime is fixed so as to convert safely at max time and millisec 0x7FFFFFFF.
2022/04/17, Sekaiju7.5 has been released.
- A bug that sending or receiving a long system exclusivie message causes crash is fixed.
- A bug that copying or pasting a long event causes crash is fixed.
- MIDIIOLibrary is updated to 7.1.
- MIDIStatusLibrary is updated to 7.1.
2022/04/17, MIDIIOLibrary7.1 has been released.
- A maximum size of system exclusive message input / output is expanded up to 4096 bytes.
2022/04/17, MIDIStatusLibrary7.1 has been released.
- A maximum size of system exclusive message recognization is expanded up to 4096 bytes.
2022/02/13, Sekaiju7.4 has been released.
- Support real-time view updating while real-time inputting at the track list window, piano roll window, event list window, musical score window.
- A bug that in the piano roll window, if high DPI mode, the note key names are displayed wrongly is fixed.
2022/01/30, Sekaiju7.3 has been released.
- A bug that in the musical score window, auto page update doesn't works well is fixed.
- A bug that in the event list window, if selecting tempo, time signature or key signature at the first track Sekaiju causes freeze is fixed.
2021/12/31, AutoDrum7.0 has been released.
- The development environment is migrated to Visual Studio 2015 Community SP3.
- Windows SDK is migrated to
- Windows 64bit version EXE Compliant.
- Adopted clear type font.
- Support high DPI view mode such as 125%.
- MIDIIO Library is upgraded to 7.0.
- MIDIData Library is upgraded to 7.1.
- MIDIClock Library is upgraded to 7.0.
- MIDIStatus Library is upgraded to 7.0.
- MIDIInstrument Library is upgraded to 7.0.
2021/12/31, MIDITester7.0 has been released.
- The development environment is migrated to Visual Studio 2015 Community SP3.
- Windows SDK is migrated to
- Windows 64bit version EXE Compliant.
- Adopted clear type font.
- Support high DPI view mode such as 125%.
- MIDIIO Library is upgraded to 7.0.
- MIDIData Library is upgraded to 7.1.
- MIDIClock Library is upgraded to 7.0.
- MIDIStatus Library is upgraded to 7.0.
- MIDIInstrument Library is upgraded to 7.0.
2021/10/24, Sekaiju7.2 has been released.
- Added the metronome feature while playing.
- A bug that the metronome sound disappear immediately or too small sound is fixed.
- A bug that in the piano roll window, note key is not correspond to mouse's y coordinate is fixed.
- A part of translation is fixed.
2021/09/26, Sekaiju7.1 has been released.
- Support high DPI view mode such as 125%.
- A bug that when using insert measure or delete measure Sekaiju crashes is fixed.
- MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 7.1.
2021/09/26, MIDIDataLibrary7.1 has been released.
- A bug that forgetting to copy m_pUser1, m_pUser2, m_pUser3 and m_pUser4 in the MIDITrack_CreateClone function is fixed.
- A bug that forgetting to copy m_pUser1, m_pUser2, m_pUser3 and m_pUser4 in the MIDIEvent_CreateClone function is fixed.
2021/08/15, Sekaiju7.0 has been released.
- The development environment is migrated to Visual Studio 2015 Community SP3.
- Windows SDK is migrated to
- Windows 64bit version EXE Compliant.
- Adopted clear type font.
- The max TPQN time resolution is updated to 1920.
- In the option dialog, reset button is added.
- In the system exclusive input text box, even if inputed wrong character, Sekaiju reads as possible.
- A bug that when printing to Microsoft Print to PDF Sekaiju causes freeze is fixed.
- A bug that showing MIDI Device and Instrument or MIDI Sync Mode or Option Dialog may cause freeze is fixed.
- MIDIIOLibrary is updated to 7.0.
- MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 7.0.
- MIDIClockLibrary is updated to 7.0.
- MIDIStatusLibrary is updated to 7.0.
- MIDIInstrumentLibrary is updated to 7.0.
- 64bit version's SAL will be released at a later date.
2021/08/15, MIDIIOLibrary7.0 has been released.
- Development environment is migrated to Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community SP3.
- Windows SDK is migrated to 10.0.10240.0.
- Supported both 32bit/64bit version DLL.
2021/08/15, MIDIDataLibrary7.0 has been released.
- Development environment is migrated to Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community SP3.
- Windows SDK is migrated to 10.0.10240.0.
- Supported both 32bit/64bit version DLL.
- Added m_pUser1, m_pUser2, m_pUser3 and m_pUser4 to MIDIData structure.
- Added m_pUser1, m_pUser2, m_pUser3 and m_pUser4 to MIDITrack structure.
- Added m_pUser1, m_pUser2, m_pUser3 and m_pUser4 to MIDIEvent structure.
2021/08/15, MIDIStatusLibrary7.0 has been released.
- Development environment is migrated to Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community SP3.
- Windows SDK is migrated to 10.0.10240.0.
- Supported both 32bit/64bit version DLL.
2021/08/15, MIDIInstrumentLibrary7.0 has been released.
- Development environment is migrated to Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community SP3.
- Windows SDK is migrated to 10.0.10240.0.
- Supported both 32bit/64bit version DLL.
2020/12/31, Sekaiju6.1 has been released.
- In the event list window, a new control change list box is added as the fourth view, which enables filtering by CC#.
- A panic button is added, which forcibily sends note off to all port's all channel's all keys.
- Changed to send note off forcibily to each acitive key when playing is stopped.
- A bug that "Setup" - "Options" dialog's "Apply" button is disabled is fixed.
- A bug that "Setup" - "Options" dialog's color select comobo box's color list isn't shown is fixed.
- A bug that if multiple piano roll window or event list window or musical score window is opened the track list's check box becomes all checked when OK button used is fixed.
- In order to restore RPN/NRPN exactly when playing is started again, changed to remain RPN/NRPN's status independently from system exclusive data's one.
- MIDIStatusLibrary is updated to 1.1.
2020/12/31, MIDIStatusLibrary1.1 has been released.
- In order to restore RPN/NRPN exactly when playing is started again, changed to remain RPN/NRPN's status independently from system exclusive data's one.
2020/11/29, Sekaiju6.0 has been released.
- A bug that tempo doesn't updated automatically at real time when inserting, modifying or deleting tempo event.
- For time base = 960 and time signature = 4/1 's MIDI data, maximum tick value that can input by the keyboard is increased upto 3839.
- MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 4.1.
- MIDIStatusLibrary is updated to 1.0.
2020/11/29, MIDIDataLibrary4.1 has been released.
- MIDIEvent_GetTextA's internal memory intializing bug was fixed.
- Appendix B Note.Key, Drum.Key, Control Change, Program Change(GM) Table's Note.Key was fixed.
2020/11/29, MIDIStatusLibrary1.0 has been released.
- Some unnecessary line in the header file were deleted.
- Appendix B Note.Key, Drum.Key, Control Change, Program Change(GM) Table's Note.Key was fixed.
2020/01/05, Sekaiju5.9 has been released.
- A bug that system exclusive message can't be input in the track whose input chanel is n/a is fixed.
- A bug that changing master key shift with opening no MIDIdata causes crash is fixed.
- A bug that when playing with the first track's output off (muted), the tempo event or loopend marker is ignored is fixed.
- A maximum size of system exclusive message input / output is expanded 1024 to 4096 bytes.
- Support UTF-8 char code at the text realated event (support {@UTF-8} tag).
- Support universal scroll by mouse middle button click.
- MIDIIOLibrary is updated to 1.2.
- MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 4.0.
2020/01/05, MIDIDataLibrary4.0 has been released.
- MIDIEvent_CreateTextEvent has supported UTF-8.
- MIDIEvent_CreateTextEventEx has supported UTF-8.
- MIDIEvent_GetCharCode has supported UTF-8.
- MIDIEvent_GetText has supported UTF-8.
- MIDIEvent_SetCharCode has supported UTF-8.
- MIDIEvent_SetText has supported UTF-8.
2020/01/05, MIDIIOLibrary1.2 has been released.
- A maximum size of system exclusive message input / output is expanded from 1024 to 4096 bytes.
2019/11/17, Sekaiju5.8 has been released.
- In the track list and event list window's right click menu, "Search and Select Voice" dialog is added.
- In the event list window's right click menu, loading or saving system exclusive data (*.syx) is added.
- A maximum size of text related, sequencer specific and system exclusive data is expanded.
- A bug that loading abnormal meta event (e.g. length=0's port prefix) causes crash is fixed.
- A bug that drawing graph with line tool in the piano roll window before time 0 causes crash is fixed.
- A bug that when using preview tool, an order to send note-on and note-off whose time is the same is wrong is fixed.
- MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 3.9.
2019/11/17, MIDIDataLibrary3.9 has been released.
- MIDIEvent_GetValue is fixed to return 0 even if the channel prefix event or port prefix event has no data.
- MIDIEvent_GetTempo is fixed to return 60000000/120 even if the tempo event has no data.
- MIDIEvent_GetSMPTEOffset is fixed to get a value as possible even if the SMPTE offset event has only part of the data.
- MIDIEvent_GetTimeSignature is fixed to get a value as possible even if the time signature event has only part of the data.
- MIDIEvent_GetKeySignature is fixed to get a value as possible even if the key signature event has only part of the data.
- MIDIEvent_SetValue is fixed not to crash even if the channel prefix event or port prefix event has no data.
- MIDIEvent_SetTempo is fixed not to crash even if the tempo event has no data.
- MIDIEvent_SetSMPTEOffset is fixed to set a value as possible even if the SMPTE offset event has only part of the data.
- MIDIEvent_SetTimeSignature is fixed to set a value as possible even if the time signature event has only part of the data.
- MIDIEvent_SetKeySignature is fixed to set a value as possible even if the key signature event has only part of the data.
- MIDIEvent_CreateNoteOn's key number clipping range error is fixed.
2019/05/19, Sekaiju5.7 has been released.
- Auto repeat from "loopStart" to "loopEnd" marker, which is used in FINAL FANTASY VII feature is added.
- A bug that in the musical score window when putting a note wrong channels' voice comes is fixed.
- Support loading Mabinogi MML file (*.mmml).
- MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 3.8.
- A grammatical error of English version's user's manual is fixed.
2019/05/19, MIDIDataLibrary3.8 has been released.
- MIDIData_LoadFromMabiMML is added.
2019/01/03, Sekaiju5.6 has been released.
- A bug that using a feature that changes note time or duration whose duration is 0 sometimes causes crash is fixed.
- MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 3.7.
2019/01/03, MIDIDataLibrary3.7 has been released.
- A bug that using MIDIEvent_SetTime, MIDIEvent_SetDuration, or MIDIData_SetTimeSingle to a note whose duration is 0 sometimes causes crash is fixed.
2018/07/23, Sekaiju5.5 has been released.
- A bug that when MIDI inputting note-off{0x9n 0xkk 0x00} becomes note-on{0x9n 0xkk 0x01} and the note doesn't stop is fixed.
- In the musical score window, eigth note or shorter note's chained flag's view is improved.
- In the musical score window, add fill feature and trim feature.
2018/06/03, Sekaiju5.4 has been released.
- Default user interface language is recognized automatically.
- Add a master key shift feature.
- A bug that when changing key+, old voice remains is fixed.
- A bug that in Windows high contrast mode, each window's left area gets unvisible is fixed.
- A bug that project web page's address is wrong is fixed.
2018/04/15, Sekaiju5.3 has been released.
- Add a feature, if time+, key+ or vel+ is used in each track, enables applying their value to each event when saving as standard MIDI file (*.mid).
- A bug that after changing track output port in the track list window, Undo / Redo doesn't works normally is fixed.
- A bug that in Setup - Option - Color dialog, each color combobox can't be extracted is fixed.
- Add a shortcut key Ctrl+F1 for execution SAL.
- Support loading early Cakewalk sequence file (*.wrk).
- MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 3.6.
2018/04/15, MIDIDataLibrary3.6 has been released.
- MIDIData_LoadFromWRK is added.
2018/02/25, Sekaiju5.2 has been released.
- A bug that when inserting or modifing or deleting tempo event while playing, the tempo isn't updated immediately is fixed.
- In the musical score window, tie button is added.
- Support SAL's sendMIDI command.
2017/12/17, Sekaiju5.1 has been released.
- A bug that the in the Edit-Break note and make trill menu, lowest note doesn't make trill is fixed.
- A bug that Modify time signature dialog sets wrong clocks / quarter note and
demisemiquarvers / quarter note is fixed.
- Support SAL (Sekaiju Application Language) which is provided as an external extension program.
- MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 3.5.
- The license is modified from LGPL to MPL2.0.
2017/12/17, MIDIDataLibrary3.5 has been released.
- MIDIEvent_GetDataEntryMSB is added.
- MIDIEvent_SetDataEntryMSB is added.
- MIDIEvent_GetPatchNum is added.
- MIDIEvent_SetPatchNum is added.
2017/05/28, Sekaiju5.0 has been released.
- A bug that when using "Edit" - "Modify Event's Time", "Insert Measure", "Remove Measure", event's order in the same time often changes is fixed.
2016/12/04, Sekaiju4.9 has been released.
- A bug that Sekaiju causes freeze when clicked the right area than value3 on the event list window is fixed.
- Piano roll window's scroll bar moving speed is adjusted.
2016/11/16, AutoDrum4.3 has been released.
2016/07/03, MIDITester4.3 has been released.
- A bug that on instrument definition dialog pushing OK button causes bug is fixed.
2016/06/26, AutoDrum4.2 has been released.
- Windows10 compliant.
- 0-Windows Control Panel ANSI Code Page is added as a default text encoding.
- MIDIIOLibrary is updated to 1.1.
- MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 3.4.
2016/06/19, MIDITester4.2 has been released.
- Windows10 compliant.
- User interface compliant to Chinese language.
- 0-Windows Control Panel ANSI Code Page is added as a default text encoding.
- MIDIIOLibrary is updated to 1.1.
- MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 3.4.
2016/05/08, Sekaiju4.8 has been released.
- A bug that text-related event's char-code specification doesn't work correctly is fixed.
- MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 3.4.
2016/05/08, MIDIDataLibrary3.4 has been released.
- A bug that MIDIEvent_GetText's char-code specification doesn't work correctly is fixed.
- A bug that MIDIEvent_SetText's char-code specification doesn't work correctly is fixed.
2016/04/17, Sekaiju4.7 has been released.
- Windows 10 compliant.
- 0-Windows Control Panel ANSI Code Page is added as a default text encoding.
- Some wrong Chinese translations is fixed.
- MIDIIOLibrary is updated to 1.1.
- MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 3.3.
2016/04/17, MIDIDataLibrary3.3 has been released.
- Windows 10 compliant.
- If specified MIDIDataLib_SetDefaultCharCode (MIDIEVENT_NOCHARCODE), default text encodeing becomes to follow Windows Control Panel's ANSI Code Page' setup.
2016/04/17, MIDIIOLibrary1.1 has been released.
2016/01/17, Sekaiju4.6 has been released.
- A bug that in Edit-Modify Event's value, pitch bend becomes wrong value in absolute mode is fixed.
- Move up button and move down button is added in the event list window.
- A bug that in the event list window current focus is blinking is fixed.
- A feature that "Update program, control, RPN, NRPN and pitch bend immediately when they are changed while playing" is added.
- Sekaiju.ini file's writing method is fixed.
- Some wrong Chinese translations is fixed.
2015/05/04, Sekaiju4.5 has been released.
- Windows10 Insider Preview 10074 compliant (temporary).
- A bug that wrong SMPTE/MTC is sent at the end of music is fixed.
- Standard MIDI File(*.mid)'s reading ability is enhanced.
- MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 3.2.
2015/05/04, AutoDrum4.1 has been released.
- Windows10 Insider Preview 10074 compliant (temporary).
- Standard MIDI File(*.mid)'s reading ability is enhanced.
- Implement Chinese language version (GUI / documentation).
- MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 3.2.
2015/05/04, MIDIDataLibrary3.2 has been released.
- MIDIData_LoadFromSMF's reading ability is enhanced.
- English version's official guide is added.
- Official guide,s bug is fixed.
2015/01/25, Sekaiju4.4 has been released.
- User interface and documentation are Chinese language compliant.
- User manual's bug is fixed.
- msvcr90.dll is updated to 9.00.30729.6161.
- mfc90.dll is updated to 9.00.30729.6161.
- mfc90u.dll is updated to 9.00.30729.6161.
- mfc90enu.dll is updated to 9.00.30729.6161.
- mfc90jpn.dll is updated to 9.00.30729.6161.
- mfc90chs.dll is updated to 9.00.30729.6161.
2014/12/28, AutoDrum4.0 has been released.
- Unicode compliant.
- Develop environment becomes new VisualC++ 2008 Standard Edition SP1 from old VisualC++ 4.0.
- In the Language dialog, default text encoding becomes selectable.
- AutoDrum.ini's character code becomes UTF-16LE to save any character.
- UserInterface font is modified.
- UserInterface=Japanese : MS P Gothic -> MS UI Gothic
- UserInterface=English : MS Sans Serif -> Microsoft Sans Serif
- User interface is Windows XP / Vista / 7 's theme compliant.
- MIDIIOLibrary is updated to 1.0.
- MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 3.1.
- MIDIClockLibrary is updated to 1.0.
- MIDIStatusLibarary is updated to 0.9.
2014/12/28, MIDISelector4.0 has been released.
- Unicode compliant.
- Develop environment becomes new VisualC++ 2008 Standard Edition SP1 from old VisualC++ 4.0.
- UserInterface font is modified.
- UserInterface=Japanese : MS P Gothic -> MS UI Gothic
- UserInterface=English : MS Sans Serif -> Microsoft Sans Serif
- User interface is Windows XP / Vista / 7 's theme compliant.
2014/11/23, Sekaiju4.3 has been released.
- A bug that txt/csv save feature in the track list window or event list window output abnormal file is fixed.
- Wrong expression "Record" is modified to "Real-time Input".
2014/09/07, Sekaiju4.2 has been released.
- A bug that select tool can't be used by default in the track list window is fixed.
2014/07/13, MIDITester4.1 has been released.
- A bug that tooltip isn't shown on the buttons of the toolbar is fixed.
2014/06/08, Sekaiju4.1 has been released.
- A bug that propertysheet's layout is bad in a particular environment is fixed.
- 949-Korean is added for text encoding in the language dialog.
2014/06/08, MIDITester4.0 has been Released
- Unicode compliant.
- Develop environment becomes new VisualC++ 2008 Standard Edition SP1 from old VisualC++ 4.0.
- In the Language dialog, default text encoding becomes selectable.
- MIDITester.ini's character code becomes UTF-16LE to save any character.
- UserInterface font is modified.
- UserInterface=Japanese : MS P Gothic -> MS UI Gothic
- UserInterface=English : MS Sans Serif -> Microsoft Sans Serif
- User interface is Windows XP / Vista / 7 's theme compliant..
- It is fixed to recognize the threshold of control change's value like CC#64 (Hold pedal) is between 63 and 64.
- MIDIIOLibrary is updated to 1.0.
- MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 3.1.
- MIDIClockLibrary is updated to 1.0.
- MIDIStatusLibrary is updated to 0.9.
- MIDIInstrumentLibrary is updated to 0.7.
2014/05/25, Sekaiju4.0 has been released.
- Unicode compliant. All kind of character including Latin, Chinese, Hangeul and Cyrillic character can be used in the file name or in the text based event's string.
- In the Language dialog, default text encoding becomes selectable. It is used for encoding string in the text based event without specifying character code.
- 874-Thai
- 932-Japanese Shift-JIS
- 936-Chinese Simplified
- 950-Traditional Chinese
- 1250-Central European
- 1251-Cyrillic
- 1252-Western Latin-1
- 1253-Greek
- 1254-Turkish
- 1255-Hebrew
- 1256-Arabic
- 1257-Baltic
- 1258-Vietnamese
- 1200-Unicode UTF-16 Little Endian
- 1201-Unicode UTF-16 Big Endian
- To specify character code in a text based event, following 4 tags become available. Once specifying these tags, it is applied to the following same kind event in the track. If no character code is specified, the default text encoding selected in the Language dialog is applied. {@UTF-16LE} and {@UTF-16BE} is stored as {0xFF,0xFE} and {0xFE,0xFF}.
- begin with "{@LATIN}" : 1252-Western Latin-1
- begin with "{@JP}" : 932-Japanese Shift-JIS
- begin with "{@UTF-16LE}" : 1200-Unicode UTF-16 Little Endian
- begin with "{@UTF-16BE}" : 1201-Unicode UTF-16 Big Endian
- Sekaiju.ini's character code becomes UTF-16LE to save any character.
- GUI's font is modified.
- UserInterface=Japanese : MS P Gothic -> MS UI Gothic
- UserInterface=English : MS Sans Serif -> Microsoft Sans Serif
- In the Option dialog, Font page is added. It enables you to select better font and font-size for view and printing.
- A bug that the time and measure:tick:beat value shown in the second toolbar is not correct when stops playing at the end of the MIDI data is fixed.
- In the Piano roll window's key area, if the height of key is zoomed larger than 12px, note name will be shown.
- In the Piano roll window, when grabbing very short note event's bar, it becomes possible to let note's duration long by dragging to right.
- "Edit"-"Modify Tempo..." menu and Modify Tempo dialog is added. It enables you to modify all selected tempo event's tempo value event at once.
- It is fixed to recognize the threshold of control change's value like CC#64 (Hold pedal) is between 63 and 64.
- MIDIIOLibrary is updated to 1.0.
- MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 3.1.
- MIDIClockLibrary is updated to 1.0.
- MIDIStatusLibrary is updated to 0.9.
- MIDIInstrumentLibrary is updated to 0.7.
2014/05/25, MIDIDataLibrary3.1 has been released
- Optional character code specifiying is added to the Text Event.
- Optional character code specifiying is added to the Copyright notice.
- Optional character code specifiying is added to the Track Name.
- Optional character code specifiying is added to the Instrument Name.
- Optional character code specifiying is added to the Lyric.
- Optional character code specifiying is added to the Marker.
- Optional character code specifiying is added to the Cue Point.
- Optional character code specifiying is added to the Program Name.
- Optional character code specifiying is added to the Device Name.
- MIDIDataLib_SetDefaultCharSet function is added.
- MIDIDataLib_SetLocale function is disabled.
- A bug that MIDIData_LoadFromMIDICSV doesn't load text based event correctly is fixed.
- A bug that MIDIData_SaveAsMIDICSV doesn't save text bassed event correctly is fixed.
- MIDITrack_InsertTextEventEx function is added.
- MIDITrack_InsertCopyrightNoticeEx function is added.
- MIDITrack_InsertTrackNameEx function is added.
- MIDITrack_InsertInstrumentNameEx function is added.
- MIDITrack_InsertLyricEx function is added.
- MIDITrack_InsertMarkerEx function is added.
- MIDITrack_InsertCuePointEx function is added.
- MIDITrack_InsertProgramNameEx function is added.
- MIDITrack_InsertDeviceNameEx function is added.
- MIDIEvent_CreateTextEventEx function is added.
- MIDIEvent_CreateCopyrightNoticeEx function is added.
- MIDIEvent_CreateTrackNameEx function is added.
- MIDIEvent_CreateInstrumentNameEx function is added.
- MIDIEvent_CreateLyricEx function is added.
- MIDIEvent_CreateMarkerEx function is added.
- MIDIEvent_CreateCuePointEx function is added.
- MIDIEvent_CreateProgramNameEx function is added.
- MIDIEvent_CreateDeviceNameEx function is added.
- MIDIEvent_GetCharCode function is added.
- MIDIEvent_SetCharCode function is added.
- MIDIEvent_GetText function's specification is modified.
- MIDIEvent_SetText function's specification is modified.
- MIDIEvent_SetTextEx function is added.
- Official Guide Book's wrong description is fixed.
2014/04/29, MIDIIOLibrary1.0 has been released
- Develop environment becomes new VisualC++ 2008 Standard Edition SP1 from old VisualC++ 4.0.
2014/04/29, MIDIDataLibrary3.0 has been released
- Develop environment becomes new VisualC++ 2008 Standard Edition SP1 from old VisualC++ 4.0.
2014/04/29, MIDIClockLibrary1.0 has been released
- Develop environment becomes new VisualC++ 2008 Standard Edition SP1 from old VisualC++ 4.0.
2014/04/29, MIDIStatusLibrary0.9 has been released
- Develop environment becomes new VisualC++ 2008 Standard Edition SP1 from old VisualC++ 4.0.
- It is fixed to recognize the threshold of control change's value like CC#64 (Hold pedal) is between 63 and 64.
2014/04/29, MIDIInstrumentLibrary0.7 has been released
- Develop environment becomes new VisualC++ 2008 Standard Edition SP1 from old VisualC++ 4.0.
2013/11/19, Sekaiju3.9 has been released.
- A bug that scrollbar's thumb can't be tracked correctly is fixed.
2013/11/10, Sekaiju3.8 has been released.
- In the piano roll window's graph area, a feature to draw curved line is implemented. While drawing line, by right clicking, the line changes to quadratic curve (begin horizontal), quadratic curve (end horizontal).
- "Edit"-"Stroke..." menu and Stroke dialog is added. Stroke feature detects a chord note which start at the same time, and displace the note on time in ascending order or descending order.
- In the "Setup"-"MIDI device and instrument..." dialog, "MIDI Thru" tab is added. It enables you to select whether output MIDI message from each MIDI in port.
- A bug that when setting value in the "Modify tempo...", "Modify time signature...", "Modify key signature" or "Modify marker..." dialog, the event's order is changed in spite of not changing time is fixed.
- A bug that when recording, the first metronome click sometimes disappear is fixed.
- A bug that MIDI device whose name including trailing space can't open is fixed.
- A bug that loading cherry sequence file (*.chy) causes error is fixed.
- A bug that saving cherry sequence file (*.chy) causes error is fixed.
- MIDIDataLibrary is updated to 2.9.
2013/11/10, MIDIDataLibrary2.9 has been released.
- MIDITrack_InsertPatchChange's parameter's specification is modified.
- MIDITrack_InsertPatchChange's parameter's specification is modified.
- MIDITrack_InsertPatchChange's parameter's specification is modified.
- MIDIEvent_CreatePatchChange's parameter's specification is modified.
- MIDIEvent_CreatePatchChange's parameter's specification is modified.
- MIDIEvent_CreatePatchChange's parameter's specification is modified.
- MIDIEvent_CreateSysExEvent's export miss is fixed.
- MIDIData_LoadFromCherry's some bugs are fixed, and loading quality of Cherry sequence file (*.chy) is improved.
- MIDIData_SaveAsCherry's some bugs are fixed, and saving quality of Cherry sequence file (*.chy) is improved.
- MIDIIO.bas's bug is fixed.
- In the official guide book, wrong descriptions are fixed.
2013/09/16, Sekaiju3.7 has been released.
- Develop environment becomes new VisualC++ 2008 Standard Edition SP1 from old VisualC++ 4.0.
- User interface correspond to Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1's theme.
- "File"-"Open..." dialog and "File"-"Save As..." dialog correspond to Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1's style.
- A bug that abnormal string is shown in a space area is fixed.
- Screenshots in the user's manual becomes Windows7's style.
(C)2000-2025 kuzu All rights reserved.